Christmas Hat Extravaganza, Part 3! (link to Peashooter hat)

The final Christmas gift hat, and my absolute favorite is this one.

A few years ago, we were visiting family and my son showed his cousin the game Plants vs Zombies.  My nephew was probably 4 at the time.  Since then, he has become obsessed with the game, playing it, asking for themed birthday parties, building lego pea shooters to place in his yard to protect his house, and the whole bit.  It was very easy to pick his hat! I spent hours searching ravelry and the rest of the interwebs for a pattern for a hat that was to my liking. After a lot of looking and finding only a few patterns, none that were quite right, I set about making my own. Again, this is a hat with the base hat from Knit Guru's Minion Ear Flap Hat

First Generation:
This was it when it was completed.  I was in love with it.  It is a little flawed in that because it has three leaves, it should also have angry eyebrows.  (One leaf means no eyebrows)

A few weeks after Christmas, my sister in law called me and asked me to make a second hat because both boys were wanting one so they could play together. I learned a huge lesson. I really, REALLY should have written down what I did.  All I had was a few pictures, and a vague memory of what I had done.

Second Generation:

I like the eyes better in this hat (though I forgot the eyebrows again), but didn't like the leaves quite as much.  So I set about improving my pattern! I decided I wanted a nicer edge up the ear flaps, and after making so many of the hats, I had quit using the pattern from Knit Guru (I had already resized it to toddler size down from adult), adjusting a few things bit by bit, until I feel like I can really call it my own.

I am linking to a .pdf download of the pattern I would use if I was going to make this hat again.  I am giving it away for for free, because I'm sure that the people at PopCap games wouldn't take kindly to me making a profit off of their stuff.

Peashooter Hat Pattern

If you try to make it and have suggestions for updates, let me know!


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